prayer: clarity

A prayer for wholeness for Easter 4 (Psalm 23, John 10), combined with the day of prayer for Colombia.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

One: Lord, we pray that we may have clarity of vision,
even when what we see is uncomfortable.
All: We pray that we may have clarity of hearing
as you call us to join your mission.
One: We pray that our hearts remain open to
seeing you in the others you call, from other places,
that there may be one flock, one shepherd.
All: We pray that our voices may sing,
proclaim truth and only speak words of love.
One: We pray that our feet always remain
“eager to bring the gospel of peace.”
All: Help us, O God, to step forward in confidence,
breaking down barriers and welcoming all people
into your life of shalom, of peace and healing. Amen.

confession: unfair

A prayer of confession written while reflecting on the Prodigal story from the perspective of the older son.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

One: God, why isn’t life fair?
All: We confess that we follow rules expecting a reward,
hoping that if we just say, believe, or do the right thing,
you’ll love us, help us, save us.
One: But fairness does not seem to be your goal.
All: Help us to see beyond fairness to justice,
beyond rule-following to relationship with you,
beyond envy and resentment to love and wholeness.