illumination: stale minds & slowly-beating hearts




fill our lungs and lives with your energizing presence;

refresh our stale minds;

and stir our slowly-beating hearts;

so that we may humbly and courageously

be your breathing, gusting, good presence in the world.



Submitted by Scott Cervas, pastor at Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church (Lexington, KY)

confession: no sense of direction

Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY

Healing God,
sometimes we have no sense of direction.
You point us one way…we stumble the other way;
You tell us to do one thing…we alter your plans;
You give us a clear vision…it often doesn’t suit our notions.
We create our own rules…our own criteria…
and our lives become complicated…
the church becomes smug and exclusive…
and the needs of the world are not served,
because we’re too busy serving ourselves.
So draw us from the limitations of our own minds,
and help us to see the landscape of possibility through your eyes…
so that we might be a healed and healing presence in the world…
even now…as we offer our silent confessions…

confession: commodity god

Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY

we’re not really sure what Simon and the others meant
when they told Jesus that “everyone” was looking for him.
Maybe they were trying to protect Jesus…
trying to keep him safe within their grasp…
as if he were some sort of commodity that belonged exclusively to them.
It would certainly make sense.
We often do that to you, as well…
as if the creator of all that is would be doomed without our witty, theological
comebacks to put the naysayers in their place.
Maybe we should spend less time trying to own you,
and more time trying to fully belong to you,
even now…as we offer our silent confessions…

illumination: breathe in

Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY

God of our deepest strength,
as we breathe in the words of ancient poets and prophets,
as we inhale the words of 1st century storytellers,
refresh our hearts and minds
so we might hear these words in new ways…
so we might struggle with those words long enough to understand them…
so we might be renewed to go and be and do…

call to confession / declaration of grace: exhausted / restored

Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY

It takes a great deal of energy to live the life for which God created us…
and sometimes, we are simply too exhausted.
So please join me in the prayer of confession, printed in the bulletin,
followed by a moment of silent reflection and personal confession.

This is good news:

We may grow weary…
We may grow tired and indifferent…
But the Holy Spirit breathes into the very depths of our being,
restoring us to lives that reflect the profound goodness of God.

So let’s sing and give thanks to God!

call to worship: breathe in

Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church, Lexington KY

Wipe the sleep from your tired eyes…
Stretch the gnawing apathy from your aching muscles…
Breathe in…deeply…the goodness of God…
And let your lives be renewed…now…as we worship together!

CTW: it’s time

Submitted by Scott Cervas, Pastor, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church (Lexington, KY)

It’s time! God’s intended reality for creation is approaching at full speed!
Change the way you think and live, and trust that the world is going to change.
God is calling us out of our hardened shells of personal religion,
and into this community that draws us together today!
So let’s be gathered together…and let’s worship God!

confession: call

Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church; Lexington, KY

God…you call us…and sometimes…we duck under the table…
hoping you didn’t notice us when you walked into the room.
You call us…and sometimes…we grab a stapler and a stack of papers…
trying to look too busy to be bothered at the moment.
You call us…and sometimes we just say, “No!”
We know that we aren’t expected to do everything…
but we often forget that you call us to be our selves
in the places where our very self is what is most needed.
So give us the grace to say “Yes” to your call…
even now…as we offer our silent confessions…

illumination: either way

God of newness,
we want to be ready…
we want to make room for you…
we want our lives to be changed by your advent.
So speak to us in our busy-ness and our quietness…
our uneven-ness and our level-ness…
our roughness and our smoothness…
so that, either way, your glory might be revealed to us.

call to worship: make room

Make room for the advent of God!
Make room for unforgettable transformation!
Make room to see the world turned upside-down…
Valleys will touch the sky…Mountains will be flattened…
And we will all see it together!
So let’s make room for something new…and let’s worship God!

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