Confession for September 11th

One: We come this day remembering—
All: remembering horror, grief, fear;
remembering lives lost, communities changed, a nation wounded.
We close our eyes and can still see the images.
We open our eyes and see the aftermath,
still smoldering after 10 years.
One: O God, we still carry pain, we still look for your presence in tragedy.
All: And we confess that we have also used our pain to justify hurting others.
We have lashed out, seeking safety, but have not found it.
So we confess to you, O God,
that our efforts have not brought what we are looking for.
Heal us now, O God.
Renew our vision, our hearts, our center.
Bring us your peace.
Move us from where we are,
from where we’ve been,
to where you would have us go.
We pray in the name of Christ, the prince of peace.

confession: from the Brief Statement

An adaptation of the Brief Statement of Faith into a prayer of confession.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

One: Loving God, you created all things good,
All: yet, we confess, we do not always trust you.
One: You made us in your image,
All: yet we rebel against you, we hide from our Creator.
One: You gave us your word, your promise,
All: yet we ignore your commandments,
we accept lies as truth,
we exploit neighbor and nature,
we abandon your covenant.
One: And yet…
You, God, chose us
and you continue to choose us.
All: You act with mercy and compassion to redeem us
again and again.
One: Forgive our arrogance, forgive our idol-making.
Open our ears to hear your voice, O God.
All: Set us free again,
that we might put our hope, our trust, our faith
only in you. Amen.

CTW: in God’s house

Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

One: How lovely it is to be in the presence of God!
All: Better is one day in God’s house
than thousands spent elsewhere.
One: Our hearts and flesh sing for God,
our souls long to know God.
All: Holy, holy, holy is God,
the whole earth is full of God’s glory!
One: Come, let us worship God together!

CTW: here in this place

A call to worship based on the hymn “gather us in” (we used it when the theme worked but the hymn did not).
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

One:      Here in this place, God’s light is streaming in.
All:      We gather in God’s light, to be light for the world.
One:      Here in this place, God’s wind is blowing.
All:      We gather—young and old, rich and poor, strong and weak—
to be renewed by the breath of God.

One:      Here in this place, God’s fire is burning.
All:      We gather to be set on fire with God’s love.

Easter 7A Communion Prayer

Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

Blessed are you, O Lord, our God, Ruler of the Universe,
for you have kept your promises.
In the beginning, you called for yourself a people and you promised them a home.
Though it took many generations,
and though they were separated from their home by water and a desert,
you brought your people to a good land.
When your people turned away from you,
you promised us you would come among us.
In your Son Jesus we see you and your love,
living and real and for us.
He showed us how to follow you,
eating with sinners, touching the outcast,
loving all.
After his resurrection,
he told us to wait for your calling and your power.
He promised us that you would go with us as we proclaim the good news
that you have triumphed over death,
that love has the last word.
And now we wait to feel again the movement of your Holy Spirit,
giving gifts and expecting us to use them.
We give you thanks for your unending love for us,
and for this table,
where you have prepared a feast.
As we come to this meal, may we be made one with each other and with you.
Pour out your Spirit again on us and on these gifts of bread and wine,
show us a glimpse of your heavenly banquet.
Make this table the meeting place of earth and heaven,
that together we might be strengthened to go out
to be your witnesses in this place and even to the ends of the earth.
We pray in the name of our Risen Lord Christ, who taught us to pray together…

confession: Isaiah 55

A prayer of confession for (World) Communion Sunday, based on Isaiah 55.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

One: God, you call us to come share a rich feast
All: but we often choose to spend ourselves
for things that do not satisfy.
One: You call us to listen carefully and to delight in you,
All: but we often choose to look our own way
and impose our own will.
One: You call us to open our doors and our tables
to stranger as well as friend,
All: but we often choose to close
our doors and hearts to those unlike us.
One: You call us to seek you, to call on you, to find you near us,
All: but we often choose to ignore your cries
for justice and your plea for boundary-less love.
One: Your thoughts are higher than ours, O God,
and your ways are higher than our ways.
All: Forgive us,
Invite us again to your feast,
fill us with your word and your Spirit,
that we might go out in joy and come back in peace.

prayer: clarity

A prayer for wholeness for Easter 4 (Psalm 23, John 10), combined with the day of prayer for Colombia.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church

One: Lord, we pray that we may have clarity of vision,
even when what we see is uncomfortable.
All: We pray that we may have clarity of hearing
as you call us to join your mission.
One: We pray that our hearts remain open to
seeing you in the others you call, from other places,
that there may be one flock, one shepherd.
All: We pray that our voices may sing,
proclaim truth and only speak words of love.
One: We pray that our feet always remain
“eager to bring the gospel of peace.”
All: Help us, O God, to step forward in confidence,
breaking down barriers and welcoming all people
into your life of shalom, of peace and healing. Amen.

an opening prayer for Easter

submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church.

One: We come rushing to the empty tomb,
though we do not understand.
All: We come looking, hoping, praying
for new life against all odds.

One: We come singing Alleluias,
for light is streaming out of the darkness!
All: May our Alleluias ring out
as we rush to follow the risen Christ into the world!
Alleluia! Amen!

confession: Palm Sunday expectations

A prayer of confession for Palm Sunday. (Part of the “Choices on the Way” series, with the theme this week being “My Way — The Highway”). Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church.

One: You ride in with humble glory,
All: and we wave our palm branches,
shouting and dancing our prayer of Hosanna.

One: We join our voices and hearts with the crowd,
All: hoping that you will do what we expect of you.
One: But your way is not always glorious,
not always cheering crowds,
not always a parade of victory.
All: Lead us, Lord, to know your way,
and to walk with you on any road you travel.

CTW: Palm Sunday

A call to worship for Palm Sunday, based on Psalm 118. (Part of the “Choices on the Way” series, with the theme this week being “My Way — The Highway”). Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church.

One: Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good!
God’s steadfast love endures forever!
All: Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest!
One: Shout Hosanna, for the Lord is coming!
Line the festival road with waving branches!
All: We wave palm branches, praying and praising
as we walk God’s way.

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